1. Welcome

Welcome to Go Faster, the exciting new online racing game where you can use your skills to win and earn rewards! Our game is focused on fair competition where players compete using GFG tokens and try to finish first to win their reward.

Our talented team of designers have developed an amazing and attractive game for mobile devices that will soon be available on other platforms.

2. Game Overview


Go Faster is an online game that provides players with an opportunity to compete in fair races and earn rewards. It is unlike other free games because it requires players to stake GFG tokens to compete and win rewards. The game is designed to provide players with full ownership of their cars, which they can buy to increase their chances of winning. Go Faster is developed by a team of principled and talented designers, and it is the first version developed for mobile devices.

GFG Token

The GFG token is an ERC-20 utility token designed to be the currency of access, action, and governance within the Go Faster ecosystem. It provides value to both players and partners. To participate in blockchain games, players need to stake a certain amount of GFG tokens.

Allocation and Release Schedule

The total supply of GFG tokens is 1,000,000,000, minted at once and split into nine main groups. The public pre-sale is allocated 1% of the total supply, while the community airdrop is allocated 0.50%. Game operations receive 24.35%, strategic sales 6.25%, liquidity pool 14.17%, team and advisors 19.23%, marketing and rewards 12%, private sale 2.50%, and company reserve 20%.


The roadmap for Go Faster Game includes major milestones that highlight the development, testing, branding, audience identification, online advertising, pre-sale, airdrop, marketing, game development, and further development of the game. The roadmap will be updated frequently to reflect changes in prioritization order based on feedback from the community and breakthrough research. The game is currently available on the Android platform and will be available on iOS and Windows platforms in the near future.

Low Transaction Fees

The Polygon network charges low fees for blockchain transactions in the game, making it accessible to players without incurring high transaction fees.


Go Faster Game is a unique and exciting online racing game that offers players an opportunity to compete in fair races and earn rewards. It is developed by a talented team of principled designers and requires players to stake GFG tokens to participate in races. The GFG token is an ERC-20 utility token that provides value to players and partners within the Go Faster ecosystem. The game is available on various platforms, and the Polygon network charges low transaction fees, making it accessible to players without incurring high fees.

3. Game Mechanics

Racing and Overtaking: The main objective of the game is to race against other players and overtake them to finish in first place. Players can use their skills to control their car and make it go faster or use boosters that can be purchased with GFG tokens to get ahead of the competition.

Car Ownership: Players have full ownership of their cars in the game. They can purchase new and more expensive cars using GFG tokens to increase their chances of winning.

Fair Competition: Go Faster is designed to focus on fair competition where players compete by putting at stake GFG tokens. To win and obtain GFG tokens, players must overtake their rival at each and any racing and finish first.

Staking GFG Tokens: Players need to stake a certain amount of GFG tokens to participate in races. If they win, they will receive their reward.

withdraw: Players can withdraw their earned tokens in the game’s settings menu.

GFG Token Exchangeability: In the near future, GFG tokens will be exchangeable with other tokens and digital currencies.

Reward Withdrawal: If a player wins the game, they can withdraw their reward by taking out GFG tokens and benefiting from them.

Low Transaction Fees: The Polygon network charges low fees for blockchain transactions in the game.

Platform Availability: Go Faster is currently available for the Android platform, and in the near future, it will be available for the iOS platform, and then for Windows.

4. How to start game


Download and install the Go Faster from Google Play on your device, and create a user account in the game.


You need a blockchain wallet, and we suggest the MetaMask for this purpose. You can install it right from your Google Play.

Guide to opening the payment link on android 11 or higher (for those who encounter problems opening the link)


Before you can buy your dream cars and put tokens at stake for any race, you need some GFG tokens and MATIC tokens for network fee.
We store all your assets permanently. Each time you log into the game, they bought cars are automatically unlocked so that you can use them in the race.

4. Start winning in the game and earning money while enjoying playing!

5. Tokenomics

Go Faster is a blockchain-based game that uses its native ERC-20 utility token, GFG, for in-game transactions, access, action, and governance within the ecosystem. The token has a total supply of 1,000,000,000, and it is split among nine main groups as follows:

  1. Public pre-sale (1%)
  2. Community Airdrop (0.50%)
  3. Game Operations (24.35%)
  4. Strategic Sales (6.25%)
  5. Liquidity Pool (14.17%)
  6. Team & Advisors (19.23%)
  7. Marketing & Rewards (12%)
  8. Private sale (2.50%)
  9. Company Reserve (20%)

The GFG token is used in various ways within the game, such as staking to participate in races, exchanging with other tokens, buying racing cars, and withdrawing rewards. Low transaction fees on the Polygon network make blockchain transactions more affordable for players.

More on : Allocation – release schedule

6. Security - GoFaster Game

Security is a crucial aspect of any online game, and Go Faster is no exception. The game has been designed to prioritize fair competition among players, and it takes several measures to ensure that players’ personal and financial data is safe and secure.

1, the game uses a blockchain-based system where players need to stake a certain amount of GFG tokens to participate in races. The blockchain system provides an additional layer of security, making it almost impossible for hackers to tamper with the data.

2, the game has been developed by a team of experienced and talented developers who have put in place several measures to prevent hacking and cheating. The game undergoes regular testing and improvement, with a focus on reviewing game security and payment systems.

3, the game has low transaction fees on the Polygon network, which is a layer-2 scaling solution for Polygon. This ensures that players do not incur high costs when making transactions in the game.

4, the game provides players with full ownership of their cars in the game, which means that players can buy more expensive cars to increase their chances of winning. The game also allows players to withdraw their rewards by taking out GFG tokens and benefiting from them.

In conclusion, Go Faster takes several measures to ensure that players’ personal and financial data is safe and secure. The blockchain-based system, talented development team, regular testing and improvement, and full ownership of cars in the game are some of the measures taken to ensure the security of the game.

7. Allocation - release schedule

The total supply of GFG is 1,000,000,000 tokens, all minted at once.

GFG token address: Polygon Network

supply is split in 9 main groups:

Allocation typeValueGFG token amountRelease schedule
Public pre-sale1.30%13,000,000May 2023
Community Airdrop0.20%2,000,000August 2023
Game Operations24.35%243,500,000Gradual issuance as needed
Strategic Sales6.25%62,500,000Locked, assigned until Q3 2023
Liquidity Pool14.17%141,700,000Gradual issuance from Q3 2023
Team19.23%192,300,0008 years core team vesting schedule
Marketing & Rewards12%120,000,000Gradual issuance from Q3 2023
Private sale2.50%25,000,000locked, vesting until Q4 2025
Company Reserve20%200,000,000Locked. Reserved for future projects

List all addresses.

Tokenomic ItemsWallet adresses
Public pre-sale0x05Ec44dF82374E0F17bFe11bc9bDA695A079b5f5
Community Airdrop0xC8FC114C235CF68253B3a13a239636a1330D177e
Game Operations0x402F088728796E9903477449b7ba22891b7ec13B
Strategic Sales0x9961B76C63851c616a0E23Aa2602B5FE961Dc649
Liquidity Pool0x37FFeEEde625f009a5E7EC6f203f740C59F24Ec6
Marketing & Rewards0x2e5c8d3e013F3Eba258472E5f0943bCFa55BF644
Private sale0x6c197D3977605b5517599C15DEB75239883Ba33a
Company Reserve0xD0338F843577d5Bb69D3A9D9d98F2542Db4D1608

There are two other wallet addresses that are used for in-game purchases of cars and race sticks. These two addresses are listed below.

Purchased cars: 0xc30399292ea4f1b4407de28f1b369e4e302cfb27

Race sticks: 0xC88abD7Be51C14a1A22729C3Fb19d83A372e0344

8. Market Analysis

The online gaming market is expected to continue its growth in the coming years, driven by increasing popularity and accessibility of mobile gaming. According to a report by Newzoo, the global gaming market generated $175 billion in revenue in 2020, and this figure is expected to reach $218 billion by 2023. The majority of the market revenue comes from mobile gaming, which is projected to grow at a CAGR of 10.2% during the forecast period.

Based on the given information, the global gaming market generated $175 billion in revenue in 2020, and it is expected to reach $218 billion by 2023, which represents a CAGR of:

CAGR = (Final Value / Initial Value)^(1/Number of Years) – 1
CAGR = ($218 billion / $175 billion)^(1/3) – 1
CAGR = 0.0805 or 8.05%

We are asked to calculate the expected market revenue in 2024, which is one year after the forecast period. To do this, we can use the CAGR formula:

Final Value = Initial Value x (1 + CAGR)^Number of Years

where the Initial Value is the market revenue in 2023, which is $218 billion, the CAGR is 10.2%, and the Number of Years is 1. Plugging these values into the formula, we get:

Final Value = $218 billion x (1 + 0.102)^1
Final Value = $240.76 billion

Therefore, the expected market revenue in 2024 is $240.76 billion, assuming the projected growth rate continues.

Go Faster is targeted towards gamers who enjoy online racing games and are interested in earning rewards through their skills. The game attracts players who seek fair competition and are willing to stake GFG tokens to participate in races. The game is likely to appeal to players who prefer to have ownership over their game assets and are willing to buy more expensive cars to increase their chances of winning

9. Marketing Strategy

To spread awareness about the game, the following marketing strategy will be used:

1. Branding and Audience Identification:

The first step in marketing the game is to identify the target audience and create a brand that appeals to them. Researching the market and understanding the target audience’s preferences, interests, and habits will be the primary focus in this phase.

2. Online Advertising:

Once the target audience has been identified, the next step is to design and execute social media advertising campaigns that will attract them to the game. This includes optimizing keywords and ads to make them more attractive to the target audience and evaluating and optimizing advertising performance based on feedback.

3. Pre-Sale:

A pre-sale will be conducted to attract investors and raise capital. Necessary steps for issuing the tokens will be performed, token conditions and price will be determined, and project information will be provided to the crypto community.

4. Airdrop:

Airdrops will be designed and executed to distribute GFG tokens for free to the community, thus attracting new users and increasing the token value.

5. Marketing:

The game will be listed on reputable exchanges to increase visibility and attract more users. A marketing strategy will be designed and executed, which will include participating in gaming events, collaborating with popular social networks for game promotion, and launching player acquisition programs with attractive rewards.

6. Game Development:

The game will be developed for other platforms, and new features will be added to attract and retain current users. Game performance and systems will be optimized, and new levels, challenges, and minor changes will be introduced.

7. Improving Game Quality and Implementing Marketing Programs:

The game quality will be improved by introducing new features and bug fixes. More advertising will be done to attract new players and increase GFG token sales. Attractive rewards will be offered to users to promote player acquisition programs.

8. Marketing for New Game Versions:

As new versions of the game are released, a marketing strategy will be designed and executed, and web pages will be created for the new game versions.

By using the above marketing strategy, Go Faster will attract a large number of users and increase the token value. It will also help in establishing the game as a well-known brand and promote fair competition in the gaming industry.

10. Team

The team members will be introduced soon.

11. Roadmap

This Roadmap only includes major milestones. What GoFaster has done, what will do, you can check here. This section will be updated frequently. Please note that there are many factors that could change the prioritization order, including breakthrough research and feedback from the community.

Research and investigation

  • Game design and development research and investigation was conducted, including designing and developing game pages, tools, programming codes, graphics, and sounds.

Testing and Improvement of Game

  • Enhancing game graphics, sounds, and functionality. Adding in-game token purchase mechanism. Reviewing game security and payment system.

Branding and Audience Identification

  • Target audience and branding identification, market research, name/brand selection, website/social media design, and Google Play publication planned.


  • Perform necessary steps for issuing. Determine token conditions and price for pre-sale. Market initial sale to attract investors and raise capital. Provide project information to the crypto community.

Online Advertising

  • List game token on decentralized exchanges. Design and execute social media advertising campaigns. Optimize keywords and ads to attract target audience. Evaluate and optimize advertising performance based on feedback.


  • Designing and executing airdrop campaigns. Distributing GFG tokens for free to the community. Advertising and marketing the airdrop to attract new users and increase token value.


  • List game token on reputable exchanges. Design and execute marketing strategy. Participate in gaming events.

Game Development

  • Develop game for other platforms Add new features to attract new and retain current users Improve and optimize game performance and systems Add new levels, challenges, and minor changes.

Marketing for new game versions.

  • Design and execute marketing strategy for new game versions. Create web pages for new game versions.

Improving game quality and implementing marketing programs

  • Improve game quality with new features and bug fixes. Advertise more to attract new players and increase GFG token sales. Collaborate with popular social networks for game promotion. Launch player acquisition programs with attractive rewards.

Further development

  • Research opportunities for game and GFG token development. Add new features to game based on opportunities. Test and evaluate new features.

12. DAO Governance

To create a DAO governance system for Go Faster Game, we will need to define the roles, responsibilities, and decision-making processes of the different stakeholders involved in the project. Here is an overview of how the governance system could work:

1. DAO Structure:

The DAO will be structured as a decentralized autonomous organization that will use the GFG token as its governance token. Token holders will be able to participate in governance by voting on proposals.

2. Governance Roles:

a. Token holders: Holders of GFG tokens will have the right to vote on proposals related to the game, such as changes to the game mechanics, updates to the tokenomics, or changes to the allocation of the token supply.

b. Game developers: The team responsible for developing and maintaining the Go Faster game will be responsible for proposing updates to the game and implementing changes approved by the token holders.

c. Community managers: Community managers will be responsible for engaging with the Go Faster community, managing social media channels, and creating content to promote the game.

3. Decision-Making Process:

a. Proposals: Any member of the community can submit a proposal for a change to the game or the tokenomics. Proposals should include a detailed description of the change, the reasons for the change, and the potential impact on the game and the community.

b. Voting: Once a proposal is submitted, token holders will have the opportunity to vote on it. If the proposal receives a majority vote, it will be approved and implemented by the game developers.

c. Execution: Once a proposal is approved, the game developers will be responsible for implementing the changes and updating the game accordingly.

4. Incentives:

a. Voting rewards: Token holders who participate in governance by voting on proposals will receive a small reward in GFG tokens as an incentive to participate.

b. Game rewards: Players who win races and earn GFG tokens will be able to use them to buy new cars and participate in more races, thus earning more rewards.

Overall, the DAO governance system for Go Faster Game will be designed to ensure that all stakeholders have a voice in the development of the game and the management of the GFG token. By incentivizing participation and ensuring transparency and fairness in the decision-making process, the governance system will help to build a strong community and a successful game.

13. About

Construction of Go Faster has become possible with a talented team of principled and good-willed designers, and this is a highly promising aspect of this project that sheds light on the future and advance of the game.
This is the very first version of Go Faster, which has been developed for mobile devices only (to be developed for other platforms in the future). Some of the best developers have contributed to building this game, bringing about an amazing and attractive game to you. Win the races and earn!